News by Product (Tablet sweeteners)
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Retail pharmacist grows 10.42% in the first quarter, points Abrafarma

5/19/2015 - The result was driven especially by the items in the category "no drugs", which includes toiletries, cosmetics, perfumes, shampoo, intimate absorbers, sweeteners, hair dye, condoms and sunscreens, among others. The category was responsible for moving $ 2.86 billion between January and March, up 13.44% over the same quarter of 2014.

Cargill will continue with capital closed, says CEO

1/28/2015 - Cargill, one of the largest privately held companies in the world and great global commodities trading, probably will not open its capital soon, said on Tuesday the Chief Executive of the company.

Hypermarcas closed cycle of releases

9/23/2014 - Hypermarcas ends this month the relaunch of its entire consumer portfolio, which includes health and beauty items and sweeteners. The revitalization of the brands began in 2012, when the company opted to discontinue 40% of assets acquired in previous years, keeping only those considered profitable.

Linea WINS signed by designer accessory Isabela Capeto

9/12/2014 - A Linea criou um acessório exclusivo para proteger os adoçantes de 25ml, muitas vezes carregados na bolsa, com estilo. O porta-gotinha conta com três estampas desenvolvidas em parceria com a estilista Isabela Capeto. O lançamento chega a varejistas, farmácias e empórios brasileiros a partir desta semana, num pack contendo um adoçante líquido de 75ml, outro de 25 ml e o acessório, ao preço sugerido de R$ 27,99.

Taxes: Steviafarma can leave Brazil

8/25/2014 - The manufacturer of the natural sweetener stevia-based signed an agreement with the Government of Paraguay to take part of the company's production to the country in Exchange for exemption from taxes, according to information from the newspaper Valor Econômico. The company's original intention was to expand the area of Stevia from the current 60 hectares to 160 acres in Maringá (PR).

Hypermarcas profit back up 55.9% in the fourth quarter, to $ 54.9 million

2/24/2014 - Hypermarcas recorded net income of r $ 54.9 million in the fourth quarter of 2013, a retreat of 55.9% compared to net income for the same period in 2012, of R $ 124,7 million, as demonstration of consolidated results released late on Friday.

Stevia Soul expands portfolio and launches in Brazil the first line of chocol...

12/9/2013 - Sweets with no added sugar or aspartame arrive to meet demand for healthy products. Company bet on market segmentation and marketing actions on social networks to increase in 100% its sales in 2014

Slim and Lowçúcar adopt the color pink

10/17/2013 - In joining the global campaign October pink, Thin marks sweeteners and Lowçúcar have adopted the color pink on the packaging to draw the attention of consumers on the importance of early diagnosis of breast cancer, thereby increasing the chances of cure.

Finn broadens portfolio and reformulates the packaging line

8/27/2013 - Finn, sweetener brand for consumers who care about the health and practice healthy habits, launches on the market 100% Stévia Finn. The sweetener is composed by natural substance extracted from the plant Stévia Rebaudiana by using a handmade process, which guarantees the quality and naturalness of the final product.

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