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Inflation loses pace, but price is still high in the gondolas

7/3/2017 - Inflation has lost breath in recent months, and projections to 2017 are still falling. Nevertheless, with unemployment at a high level, the level of prices still high, continues to weigh on the consumer''s pocket, including low-income families, which theoretically would be the most favored by the moment.

Consumers still not feeling the effects of inflation on downfall

5/11/2017 - The little high inflation of 0.14% in April-the lowest for the month since the beginning of the Real plan in 1994-registered by the national consumer price index (IPCA) was influenced mainly by the fall in the prices given, as fuel and electricity. The scenery, however, still does not mean relief for the pockets of consumers, who don''t get any signs of improvement in your purchasing power in recent months.

Fall of inflation, income improvement but high debt remains retracted consump...

5/2/2017 - The stability of income provided by the fall in inflation of recent months should not turn into greater purchasing power for consumers. That''s because the deterioration of the labour market combined with a strong household indebtedness should halt consumption until the end of 2017, say experts consulted by the State.

Retail wants hook FGTS feature, but consumers should be cautious

4/10/2017 - Retailers caught a ride on the calendar of looting of the dormant accounts of the Fund of guarantee of service (FGTS) and has been offering advantages outside of time to try to catch the consumer. The main attraction is the "parcelinha", with the lengthening of payment periods. But, not to make a bad deal, financial educators point out that workers should not embark on FGTS euphoria at any cost, for future planning.

Study shows that 63% of Brazilians Search Prices

3/9/2017 - According the Total Retail 2017 study on retail shopping habits, conducted by PricewaterhouseCoopers-PwC and disclosed in a press conference on Wednesday morning (8), in São Paulo, 63% of Brazilians are more attentive in shopping time and do research in different retailers before they complete the purchase. Beyond measure to save, Brazilians have changed habits and 49% of respondents said they had reduced the frequency of entertainment (restaurants, bars and other).

IPCA-15 Registers 0.54% with high Education

2/23/2017 - Preview of the official inflation, according to the IBGE – Brazilian Institute of geography and statistics (IBGE), hit the lowest level for the month in five years and approached 5 percent in 12 months. The result encourages the Central Bank to keep lowering the basic interest rate aggressively. The national consumer price Index Broad-15 (IPCA-15) climbed 0.54 percent this month, accelerating over the high of 0.31% of the first month of the year, a seasonal movement caused by prices of education

Inflation in supermarkets was 7.93% in 2016

2/13/2017 - The IPS (supermarket price index) inflation indicator calculated by Apas/Fipe closed the year 2016 with high of 7.93 percent. The search index monthly 225 items in six categories in supermarkets and demonstrates the price variation over time, allowing the monitoring of the evolution of the costs to the consumer of the supermarket sector.

January records the Lowest inflation since 1994

2/10/2017 - According to the Brazilian Institute of geography and statistics (IBGE), the national consumer price Index (IPCA) was 0.38% in January, raising the rate in relation to December (0.30%), however, being lowest for January since 1994. In January last year, had stayed at 1.27%. With today''s numbers, the accumulated inflation in the country in the last 12 months stood at 5.35%-below the 6.29% of the 12 months immediately prior. The goal of annual inflation in the country is 4.5 percent, with a margi

Consumer delinquencies fall 0.41% in December

1/11/2017 - São Paulo – the number of consumers delinquent fell 0.41 percent in December compared with November, reported on Tuesday, 10, the credit protection service (SPC Brazil) and the Confederação Nacional de Dirigentes Lojistas (CNDL).

Procon-SP points difference in price of over 450% in school items

1/4/2017 - SAO PAULO-a survey on prices of school supplies made by the Procon of Sao Paulo (Procon) found a price difference of 457.14% for the same product. In this case, a black pencil, which costs 0.35 R$ in an establishment and R$ 1.95 in another. The survey, carried out between 6 and 8 last December, included 214 items in 10 shops from all regions of São Paulo.

Prices of 10 Christmas products come with inflation

12/22/2016 - The 10 most consumed items for Christmas presented high average of 6.77% in prices when compared to values practised in December 2015, percentage next consumer inflation as measured by CPI-10/FGV, which climbed 6.44% in 2016. Among the items with the highest high are: candied fruit (13.84%), tender (10.32%) and nuts (10.24%). Already the lowest growth rates were recorded for Shank ( -2.12%), cod ( -0.45%) and peru (6.88%).

FGV inflation falls in three capitals of the Country

11/18/2016 - The IPC-S (consumer price index – weekly), calculated by the FGV, retreated into january 3 total of seven capital cities surveyed. The country''s average, the retraction was 0.39% to 0.35% between the first and the second quadrissemana of this month. The crashes occurred in Salvador (0.47% to 0.36%), Recife (0.38% to 0.35%) and Rio de Janeiro (0.51% to 0.71%).

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