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2015 items in 135 pages
Franchise is alternative to smaller pharmacies face competition

10/17/2016 - Sao Paulo-the largest consolidation of large networks of pharmacies, systems such as associations an

The internet price index falls to 0.38% in September, says Ibevar

10/17/2016 - SÃO PAULO-inflation index on the internet, known as E-flation, was 0.38% drop in September, after ha

Children''s day sales have worst result since 2008, says FecomercioSP

10/17/2016 - SAO PAULO-the total turnover in the Brazilian retail children''s day retreated 3,9% this year regard

Kellogg Company buys owner of Parati, cookies

10/14/2016 - São Paulo – the Kellogg Company, the world leader, announced the purchase of the Investment Pace, ho

AmBev, Heineken and Coca-Cola are preparing for headache

10/14/2016 - The Brazilian producers of beverages, including groups that represent Ambev, Heineken and Coca-Cola,

Brazilians create app delivery of drumsticks in United States

10/14/2016 - The coxinha, traditional snack in brazilian cuisine, has been very successful in other countries. In

BR launches automatic payment service for fuel

10/14/2016 - São Paulo-Petrobras has launched a system of automatic payment for those supplies at the BR Distribu

Americans demonstrates interest in slice of BR Distribuidora

10/14/2016 - Sao Paulo-the retailer Lojas Americanas expressed interest in participating in the process of acquis

Owens Illinois provides packaging for teas of Salton

10/14/2016 - The Salton used his experience in harmonizing to create a new line of teas and was the largest manuf

Sales for the children''s day retreat 4.2% in 2016

10/14/2016 - Data da Boa Vista SCPC (Service Central de credit protection) show that in 2016 the trade sales for

Smartphone becomes '' indispensable ''

10/14/2016 - A new global research from Nielsen shows that the phone became '' indispensable '' to consumers at t

Dairy Scala invests in State-of-the-art logistics complex

10/14/2016 - The Dairy Scala, headquartered in Sacramento, in the High Paranaíba, is investing in a logistics com

Food Supplements industry Designs High

10/14/2016 - According to Brasnutri (Brazilian Association of manufacturers of nutritional supplements and food f

Focus on outcome of distributors ensures generic meds

10/13/2016 - São Paulo-against the land transport sector, which dropped by 9.5 percent in the first half of this

Samsung ends production of Galaxy Note 7

10/13/2016 - São Paulo-Samsung Electronics decided to suspend production of the smartphone Galaxy Note 7, less th

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