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1507 items in 101 pages
CADE rebukes acquisition of Condor by Tiger

9/3/2015 - The Administrative Council for economic Defense (Cade) failed last purchase of Rio Condor by Tiger,

A plate of pasta with French accent

9/3/2015 - Sodebo (Société Des Établissements Bougro), French-owned company specializing in refrigerated foods,

High fees to criticize pharmaceutical registration of new medicine

9/3/2015 - The Interfarma, an organization that brings together 56 pharmaceutical laboratories that are respons

Change in taxation raises pressure on beverage and electronics sectors

9/2/2015 - The change in taxation on spirits and computers, tablets and smartphones must raise the cost pressur

Camex maintains zero import tax on tractors for semi-trailers

9/2/2015 - The foreign trade Chamber (Camex) extended tariff reduction for two types of road tractors for semi-

Ajinomoto may spend up to $ 1.7 bi

9/2/2015 - The Ajinomoto has between 150 and 200 billion yen (US $ 1.3 billion to $ 1.7 billion) that can spend

Volume exported chicken meat grew 5.6% year to date

9/2/2015 - Brazilian exports of chicken meat (including fresh and processed products) record growth of 5.5% in

Maria Honos Launches Line

9/2/2015 - Maria Honos gastronomy, Group brand Neffa, presents ready meals in the options: Beef Stroganoff, Bee

Intelligence course in purchasing/Strategic Sourcing/indicators-SP

9/2/2015 - Empower shopping area executives understand all Supplies & concepts on the proposed topics, help the

Beer production in Brazil in August sum 10.760 mi HL, says Recipe

9/1/2015 - The production of beer in Brazil in August totaled 10.760 million hectolitres compared 10.398 millio

Majmudar Piracanjuba campaign Star

9/1/2015 - The actress will star in Bruna Majmudar, during the second half of the year, the national campaign o

Brazil can lead male care industry until 2019

9/1/2015 - The personal care market for men has doubled in size in the country in the last five years, driven b

Demand backs off, but the milk producer rises again

9/1/2015 - Although the final consumer demand continue to shy in the country, the price of milk to the Brazilia

Supermarket sales fall 1.32% in July, aims to Open

9/1/2015 - In July, sales of the supermarket sector in real values (deflated by the IPCA/IBGE) showed high of 4

Maguary reinforces concentrated line

8/31/2015 - With actions on social networks and in points of sale, the campaign explores the versatility and per

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