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2015 items in 135 pages
Sales of smartphones are falling 13.4% after five years of high

3/15/2016 - São Paulo-smartphone sales retreated in 2015, after five years of consecutive highs. The trade in

BOI valued empty Steakhouse

3/15/2016 - The trade option at this point is to create alternatives to leverage sales. Reduction of profit marg

After high, soybean price stabilizes in Chicago – analysis Agrolink

3/15/2016 - The price of soybeans on the Chicago grain did not register on Monday (14.03) variation in contracts

"Armored" sectors favor large groups in the crisis

3/15/2016 - São Paulo-amid the crisis that hit the brazilian economy and that has taken large groups to restruct

Featured region sale of drugs grows in the North of the country

3/15/2016 - The Abradilan (Brazilian Association of logistics and Distribution of pharmaceutical products) repor

Sales of durable goods slows down in 4th Qtr

3/15/2016 - The Brazilian market for durable goods slowed in the fourth quarter of 2015 when compared to the sam

Small businesses are exporting cosmetics

3/14/2016 - Paulo Tavares and Adriana Reis left the audit area and set up a cosmetics factory to hair in Jaboatã

Crisis affect supermarkets of SP and sector loses R$ 1.2 billion, says Apas

3/14/2016 - The retraction of consumption in supermarkets in 2015 was 1.39% according to figures presented by th

Used vehicle sales fall 5% in the year; the of used car sales go up 24%

3/14/2016 - The sale of used vehicles also started the year in fall: in the first quarter, 1.46 million were tra

Items in the '' basket '' of Easter climbed to 66% in São Paulo, says Fecomercio

3/14/2016 - The families of São Paulo will have to put more your hand in your pocket to celebrate Easter this ye

Corn growers concerned about climate

3/14/2016 - Even after the closure of the ideal window of planting the second corn crop in the main growing area

Retail sales in February fall 2.2%, says MasterCard

3/14/2016 - Sao Paulo-Brazilian retail sales retreated 2.2 percent in February and fall less intense than in pre

Course: 29 and 30/03 – Rio de Janeiro – Intelligence in purchasing/Strategic ...

3/14/2016 - Come and join the 69th Edition of this course, in Rio de Janeiro, 29 days and 3/30/16, in the Hotel

Industry sales of supermarkets in Rio de Janeiro fell 3% in January, says Asserj

3/11/2016 - Sales of the supermarket sector in the State of Rio de Janeiro fell 3% in January, compared with the

Consumers say economy is worse than in 2015

3/11/2016 - Sao Paulo-Brazilian consumers believe that the economic situation is worse than last year. Survey

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