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Fiat leads and Gol follows as more sold in 2013

1/6/2014 - With 762.95 thousand vehicles and 21.24% stake, Fiat led the light commercial vehicles and plates issued in the year 2013 in Brazil, according to data from the National Federation of distribution of motor vehicles (Fenabrave).

Sales of vehicles have expansion in Brazil

6/20/2013 - The Fiat Automóveis S/A (Fiasa), with plant in Betim, in the metropolitan region of Belo Horizonte, lost the lead in sales of light commercial vehicles, and in the first half of June at the latest to play 35.02 thousand units. The initial marketing in the country with Volkswagen (VW), which negotiated the cars more than 833 exactly the former leader. The data were released yesterday by the National Federation of distribution of motor vehicles (Fenabrave).

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