News by Product (Milk powder substitute)
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Nestlé has the smallest expansion in 20 years

2/24/2017 - The sales growth of Nestle did not fall as steeply as the mountains that surround the Swiss group''s headquarters in Geneva. But, still, the slowdown last year was breathtaking-especially to Mark Schneider, your new CEO. The largest food and beverage company in the world has been only 3.2% organic growth in 2016, the smallest in at least two decades.

Growing product offering dairy in Brazil

8/22/2014 - Companies in the food sector, in particular those that sell milk and its derivatives, have discovered a market that continues to grow: the lactose-free products. This thread is being empowered by consumers with partial or complete inability to digest the milk sugar and derivatives and by sets of functional diets.

Jasmine SoyLait line labelling facilitates the identification of flavours

2/13/2014 - Jasmine Jasmine Soylait Food line has just been revamped, making it the ideal alternative to animal milk. Nutritious and healthy, the new formulations based on integral soy extract have high nutritional quality.

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