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The internal market becomes target of cotton sector

12/1/2016 - Sao Paulo-the brazilian cotton industry, one of the most exporters in the world, feel the external market saturated and the slowdown in Chinese purchases. Now, in addition to maintaining its position as a global supplier, the chain is moving to regain a slice of domestic demand that lost to imports in recent years.

Cotton production should grow in 2016/17

10/28/2016 - São Paulo-Bahia should have a slight recovery in cotton production in 2016/2017, after a break this year due to the severe drought in the western part of the State, which holds up to 98% of the local culture.

Hypermarcas predicts price increase in 2nd semester

4/28/2015 - -Hypermarcas predicts further increase prices of its consumer division in July, after average 8% readjustment promoted in April, said yesterday the company's Executive Chairman, Claudio Bergamo.

Research: in 20 years sales of hygiene products rose 185%

9/11/2014 - Entre o período de 1994 até 2014 a cesta de higiene e beleza cresceu 185% enquanto a média dos itens de consumo rápido foi de alta de 124% no tamanho da cesta. Os números foram obtidos pela empresa norte-americana de pesquisas Nielsen. O estudo destaca que em 20 anos a venda desses itens tem crescido num patamar acima da média dos bens de consumo rápido. O documento traz que a venda de itens dessa categoria tende a ser preservada mesmo durante cenários de piora na economia.

Bellacotton takes Penelope PitStop for packaging

1/29/2014 - The line of products for makeup Bellacotton, industry of products for personal hygiene Flexicotton, passes the imprint Penelope Pitstop in their packaging. The character of Hanna Barbera's packs of disks and cotton squares, of makeup applicators and nail polish removers scarves.

Warner children's characters adorn packages of Bellacotton

7/22/2013 - A partnership between Bellacotton and Warner Bros. brings to market new products of personal hygiene with the child characters Penelope PitStop, Scooby-Doo and the gang Baby Looney Tunes.

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