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GM will produce compact in San José

9/24/2013 - The novel on the definition of the plans of General Motors (GM) for the unit of São José dos Campos (SP) gained another chapter. The overall dispute plant producing a new compact. The initial project foresaw the construction of a popular Celtic instead.

Car back to be sold in 60 months

9/11/2013 - To spawn 15 more days to stock up on vehicles, the concessionaire Palazzo, resale General Motors brand, sell car financed in 60 months, i.e. in five years. And without requiring an entry.

New paths move an increasingly global Chevrolet

7/31/2013 - After thirteen years of was ' count on me ', came the turn of Chevrolet entering the generation ' Find New Roads '. Behind the fourth great cycle of brand identity in Brazil — the others were ' take action ' in the years 70 Chevrolet, and ' Walking in front, in the 90 — is a global strategy: put the Golden tie, the symbol of the group, the select hall of the ten largest on the globe. And this in a relatively short period: 10 years.

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