Tuesday, August 05, 2014

Mercedes-Benz stay away from workers and Iveco to MG

Two factories from trucks in Minas Gerais in the Southeast region have adopted new measures on cutting production, indicating that the cycle of adjustments in the commercial vehicle industry ended with the layoffs of the last two months.
In Juiz de Fora, where monta extra-heavy trucks, Mercedes-Benz decided to fend off 158 workers in production, while Iveco interrupted last two production lines in Sete Lagoas.
At Mercedes, 21% of the 750 employees of mining factory will, from 18 August, suspended under contracts known as "layoff", in which employees stay away from production for up to five months. During this period, they are part of the salary-$ 1,300-funded by the Support Fund (FAT) Worker and undergo professional training courses.
On Friday, the workers of Mercedes, beyond the "layoff", approved the introduction of the system of Bank of hours at the factory in Juiz de Fora, which will give greater flexibility to the automaker adapt the workload to your production needs. Adopting this tool from the Bank of hours, Iveco will suspend for ten days the production of light trucks. Production of heavy trucks for 13 days in Sete Lagoas.
Balance sheet released by Fenabrave, the entity that houses the car dealerships, shows that sales of trucks recede just over 13% this year. In addition to the drop in demand, manufacturers need to reduce the pace to balance inventories, which are higher than normal.
Both in Juiz de Fora such as at the factory in São Bernardo do Campo, in the ABC paulista, Mercedes had already adopted measures such as paid leave, layoffs and short week, with one day less than work. In São Bernardo, 1.2 million workers are in "layoff" since last month and a program of voluntary layoffs follows open to eliminate excess manpower estimated at 2 thousand employees.
Valor Econômico - 05/08/2014
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