Friday, August 22, 2014

GM announces investment of r $ 6.5 billion in activities in Brazil

Brasilia-the Director-General of General Motors, Mary Teresa, Bar announced today (14), after meeting with the President Dilma Rousseff, the company will invest $ 6.5 billion in activities in Brazil over the next five years. According to her, the amount will be invested in new products, in the improvement of current vehicles, in new technologies and maintenance of factories.
"We are announcing new investments of r $ 6.5 billion for the next five years. We are in Brazil for nearly 90 years, we recognize that there are challenges of medium and long term, but we will continue [here], "he said.
Mary Teresa reported that he has discussed with President Dilma steps to make industry more efficient and informed have thanked the Brazilian Government actions such as reducing the tax on industrialized products (IPI) for vehicles.
The Executive of the General Motors reported that expressed sorrow over the death of President Dilma candidate for the Presidency of the Republic Eduardo Campos, which occurred yesterday (13), in an air crash.
In Brazil, General Motors manufactures and markets, there are 88 years, Chevrolet-branded vehicles. The company has industrial complexes that produce vehicles in São Caetano do Sul and São José dos Campos, both in São Paulo and Gravataí (RS). It also has other units for production of parts and a technological centre.
Exame - 14/08/2014
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