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Covid-19: Brazil has the second highest incidence of deaths in Latin America

5/27/2020 - There are 110.43 deaths per million inhabitants. Country is behind only Ecuador

Max Wholesaler arrives in Catanduva with modern structure

5/27/2020 - Muffato Group inaugurated its Unit Max Wholesaler in Catanduva (SP) on Tuesday (26).

Increase in Online Sales

5/27/2020 - Magazine's E-commerce Luiza Has 73% High

Coronavirus: refrigerators concentrate one third of cases of covid-19 in RS

5/27/2020 - Public Ministry of Labor counts 2,079 confirmed cases of contamination by the new coronavirus among workers of 21 refrigerators distributed in 16 municipalities of Rio Grande do Sul.

Leo Madeiras will give aid of R $ 600 for 3,500 joiners

5/27/2020 - Requirements for receiving the amount donated by the Good Joinery Project

Unemployment grows to 12.8 million, says IBGE

5/28/2020 - Number of workers with a signed license, not counting households, fell to 32.2 million people, the lowest level in the historical series

Industry confidence in Brazil has slight recovery in May, says FGV

5/28/2020 - Industry Confidence Index rose 3.2 points in May to 61.4 points; in April, the index had touched a record low of 58.2 points

Makro Segue in São Paulo

5/28/2020 - Network Bet on Delivery and Markeplace

Marfrig and ADM create plant products joint venture

5/28/2020 - PlantPlus Foods will market plant-based items for retail and food service, mainly from North and South America

Prezunic will double donations made by customers this week in Rio

5/28/2020 - Prezunic joined the Mesa Sem Fome campaign, an arm of the Mesa Brasil Program, maintained 20 years ago by Sesc, to combat hunger and food waste in Rio.

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