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935 items in 63 pages
Linea goes beyond the sweetener

8/28/2020 - Brand today has 150 products in 25 categories, ranging from chocolate to ketchup; revenue grew 25% i

New consumer habits

8/28/2020 - Bayer's Consumer Health brands record jump in sales

Danoninho debuts in chocolate milk

8/28/2020 - It reaches the Market Danoninho Achocolatado, in aseptic carnal packs of 200 milliliters.

Mineirão explores the Northeast

8/28/2020 - Cash & Carry Buys Rio do Peixe Chain Stores

Industry confidence rises 8.9 points in August compared to July, to 98.7 points

8/27/2020 - High is considered consistent and disseminated

Women have more effective immune response to covid-19, study says

8/27/2020 - They develop a more efficient response of T cells, which stimulate the production of antibodies and

Nestlé Launches Mucilon Flavor Oats, Wheat & Milk

8/27/2020 - Sachet packaging is made with monomaterial, which makes it ready for recycling

Marfrig launches sustainable beef line

8/27/2020 - Initiative with Embrapa to sell 'carbon neutral' meat involves cattle raised on farms where methane

Group starts conversion

8/27/2020 - Carrefour concludes partnership with Super Nosso

Nivea Creme wins edition for health professionals

8/27/2020 - In Brazil, 400,000 cans will be distributed to doctors and nurses as a form of recognition for their

From box to package

8/27/2020 - Trento Mini wins New packaging

AGRICULTURAL GDP expected to grow 3.2% in 2021, says Ipea

8/26/2020 - Soybean and corn crops and livestock will benefit high. For this year, projected expansion fell from

Beauty industry begins to recover

8/26/2020 - According to the Brazilian Association of the Personal Hygiene, Perfumery and Cosmetics Industry, th

Pandemic led to store closures and job losses in q2

8/26/2020 - According to cnc, retail trade was directly impacted by social isolation measures. There were 135,00

Tirolez launches special reserve parmesan to celebrate 40 years

8/26/2020 - The total profit from the sale will be allocated to the Central Única das Favelas (Cufa).

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