Thursday, August 06, 2020

Standardization of mixed cargo packaging for the FLV sector

The issue of food loss and waste is a very relevant theme for the retail and distribution sector, especially when talking about the fruit, vegetable and vegetable (FLV) sector, a topic that has been discussed not only in Brazil, but around the world.
FAO, the agriculture arm of the UN (United Nations), leads different studies on the subject and proposes various solutions based on the reality of the countries.
Food loss occurs in several phases ranging from production to food consumption, and EMBRAPA data indicate that one third of the world's food is lost along this chain, generating environmental and economic impacts.
In view of this scenario, CEAGESP sought the ABRE to help them solve a challenge: the standardization of mixed cargo packaging for FLV that currently has 10 variations in height and 27 variations of the base dimensions which makes it difficult to stack and move the mixed load, because often a box rests on the product of the box that is underneath , causing damage to food and its consequent loss.
Furthermore, CEAGESP's own operation is hampered by this multiplicity of boxes due to the time required to load the trucks that carry the mixed loads.
To solve this challenge, ABRE and the project partners worked collaboratively, looking at the efficiency of the chain, and ensuring to offer a solution that integrates with existing practices, without adding cost or an additional operation to the producers and traders who occupy CEAGESP. The group conducted a field study in CEAGESP itself, in a retail network and analyzed international practices, and the defined proposal was submitted to a vibration test performed by IPT, as well as pilot with the retailer.
As a result, the mixed load unitization proposal defines the standardized dimension of the base of the boxes at 40 x 60 cm, and the variations 40 x 30 cm and 20 x 30c m, headroom to accommodate the different fruits, columnar stacking, lock for fitting the boxes and stacking order from heaviest to lightest.
The proposed latch is part of the structure of each package and does not require extra accessory use, being available in commonly used structures: corrugated cardboard, plastic crates and EPS boxes (Styrofoam) – providing safety during transport.
Wooden boxes, still in use by some producers, should be used as a basis for other packages.
"Within CEAGESP, we move 230 million packages per year. The greatest benefit of this project was to preserve the quality of the product and facilitate the movement of cargo", highlights Hélio Satoshi, Agronomist engineer of the supply center.
For Carlos Dias, Operations Manager of Coopercica, where the pilot project was carried out, the new boxes offered greater agility in unloading and ease of storage in cold rooms. "We really like the size of the boxes, because they can be placed directly in the stalls", completes the professional.
ABRE's role in the project was to bring companies together to build a joint solution. "We have created a solution that brings a standardized dimension in the different types of packaging, ensuring a safe stacking", highlights Luciana Pellegrino, Executive Director of the association.
For the continuity of the project are planned some actions, such as the improvement of the packaging production process, already with the lock proposed in the project, the elaboration of a guide of recommendations and a communication plan with Ceagesp for the dissemination of the solution among all the links involved.
ABRE - 03/08/2020 News Item translated automatically
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