Monday, March 30, 2020

How can packaging help a brand stand out in the cosmetics and personal care segment?

As one of the most important points of contact of brands with their audience, packaging is valuable parts in the strategies of selling and disseminating a product. And in the case of cosmetics and personal care, they need to be further valued, as they contribute directly to consumer choices. First, because the packaging is able to transmit sensations, such as smells, colors and textures, which can refer to the characteristics of the products, allowing a more stimulating experience. Second, because they play an essential role in the protection and conservation of products in this segment, which are usually more sensitive to falls, humidity and high temperatures. A good example of this was given by Natura, which created an induction safety seal with VENT system for one of its hair lines, Lumina. This seal equalizes the pressure of the packaging, preventing leaks, and has an olfactory membrane that allows the consumer to smell the product without the need to violate the bottle. Thus, the new packaging ensured more safety and functionality - and earned Natura the Gold in the ABRE Award 2019, in the Technology category - Products in general. Other brands in this segment have also gained much prominence in the last year, and it is no wonder that the sector accelerated 10.6% in the first quarter of 2019, after two years at a slow pace, according to data from the Brazilian Association of Pharmacy and Drugstore Networks (Abrafarma), published by Correio Braziliense. Feito Brasil is one of the cosmetics brands that most know how to take advantage of their packaging to surprise and delight consumers. Proof of this is the Ziriguidum collection, which created sophisticated packaging inspired by sweets typical of northeastern cuisine: guava moisturizer, tapioca bath foam and shaving scrub. The brand brought to the packaging a safety seal that resembles the tape of Bonfim and a wooden minispoon that serves to remove the product from the pot. The paper of the labels, which is usually used in wine bottles, does not wear out in contact with water and has a woody texture that gives a premium look to the printing in golden hot stamping (embossed). The labels also feature icons with information about the mode of production and a literary excerpt about the lifestyle to which the product is intended. The innovation has also been extended to the design of the bottles, which have different sizes to be stacked without risk of accidents. In addition, the bath soap comes in the form of foam — so as not to leak during transport — and the scrub has a wooden support, which can be reused as a soap dish. Prioritizing sustainability, the packaging was created with recyclable materials: aluminum, paper, wood and PET plastic. The positive result of this work was proven in 2019, with the Silver trophy of the ABRE Award, in the category Graphic Design - Family of products. Drugstore Araujo bet on differentiation to give life to Mió, one of its lines of personal care products, such as cotton, flexible stems and dressings. Instead of including traditional product images in packaging, design opted for an identity without excess, prioritizing the application of the brand and the name of each item. Fluorescent colors draw attention to the products on the shelves, favoring three elements of brand identity: color, typography and graphic pattern. Printed in four colors and Pantone Fluor, the packaging contributed to the growth of sales and earned Araujo the Silver trophy of the ABRE Award 2019, in the category Graphic Design – Family of products. In this way - even acting in a very competitive market - the brands of comésticos and personal care have "the knife and cheese in hand" to think about creative and differentiated packaging, which provide more valuable experiences for consumers. After all, it works with products that are generally fragile and capable of awakening more sensations, that is, that put the packaging in a prominent position. And this is even true for products with little margin, as in the case of Drogaria Araújo.
ABRE - 10/03/2020 News Item translated automatically
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