Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Packaging: Why stay tuned to the trend?

The instagramable packages, that is, with proposals of creative and beautiful design, are a great trend. After all, we are living the age of social networks, so aesthetics is becoming increasingly important. In this scenario, the competition of the marks for attention is also intensifying. The consumer is bombarted by daily information and therefore every detail makes a difference. For the food and beverage industry, it couldn't be different. Now, in addition to protecting the product and facilitating its consumption, packaging also needs to offer an experience. With this, betting on packages that are instagramable, innovative, colourful and that bring some surprise at the time of consumption can make all the difference to expand the disclosure of the brand. Want to understand better how to use packaging as an important vehicle for communication and sales in the era of social networks? Follow! Packing Beyond Protection "The process of creating a packaging is based on the methodology practiced by the design office. However, the result will depend on an integrated work between design, customer, product, supplier. One of the pillars of the process of creating a packaging is undoubtedly the possibility of innovation. To make the product unique, individual, unique and that brings excellent experience to the consumer, both in visual aspects, but mainly in the manipulation/ease of use, "explains Prof. Me. Luiz Gustavo Rodrigues, managing director of Indesign. According to the teacher, the visual and functional items make the packaging a great marketing tool for the product and for the brand. Although this has always been the vision within Design Thinking, from time to place, the user experience with the brand began to be shared spontaneously. "The engagement and the" affection "of the public made the product the vedette of blogs, unboxing videos and social media. The spontaneous media today occupies a prominent place within the marketing, branding and advertising campaigns. I believe that today, definitely, companies, communication agencies and marketing departments are observing the packaging no more as material that protects and carries a product. The packaging today can lead a brand and perhaps a whole company, "he adds. From PDV to social networks "The packaging will always be a great decider in the PDV and, therefore, we should think of a large communication channel. Amplify this space and speak directly to the public. This is our point of view and also the way we like to work, applying our design and talking to consumers clearly, "says Franklin Zampani, director of the BUD agency. However, the packages are going beyond the PDV: They also attract attention when the consumer receives his/her home purchase. And it is exactly at that moment that creativity and unboxing experience should be considered. "The packaging needs to show itself, it needs to identify in its visual the virtues and qualities of the product it packs. It is necessary to think that packaging and product become a unique thing, "adds Rodrigues. For the food and beverage industry, this means that the packaging must comply with its primary function, to ensure the safety of the product, but also to bring "something else". And that's where the big challenge is. After all, it is necessary to draw attention to the consumer to take your phone, take a photo and publish it in their profiles. What are the characteristics of the packages that are instagramable? "A product that is aligned with your consumer's lifestyle and a package that represents this truth. Today, with the breadth of social networks, there is no room for brands that are not aligned with this. Positioning should be aligned with speech. Only then will it be possible to awaken this interest, "explains Zampani. In addition to creativity, an excellent way to develop packages in the food industry is to unite form the content to captivate consumers. Heineken, for example, presented in 2016 Milan Design Week, a prototype bottle with LED lighting and sensors that transform it into an interactive object via Wi-Fi connection. The intention was that the product was distributed in festivals sponsored by the brand. A simple but efficient idea of an instagramable package was also the beer Budweiser – Ambev's brand. A version of the grayish can be created to convey the message that the beverage does not cause "tummy". For food, a great way to draw attention is to bring the contents to packaging instagramables. The Quick Kiwi product, for example, brings in the packaging lid an image that accurately depicts its contents. With this, the packaging is more beautiful, colourful and even more ' tasty '. Betting on instagramable packages is a powerful way to create connections and disseminate your brand. And don't be fooled by finding that the food and beverage industry can stay out of this trend. With the market ever more crowded, unite protection, ease of product consumption and beauty/creativity makes all the difference! And is your industry prepared to meet the expectation of the consumer with regard to the packaging?
ABRE- 09/09/2019 News Item translated automatically
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