Tuesday, September 10, 2019

Brazilian consumer is more demanding for the consumption of durable goods, says GfK

The Brazilian consumer is getting more demanding, as he acquires products of more sophisticated durable goods. This is what reveals the recent study by GfK, one of the most important consumer behavior research companies in the world. According to the study, there was a growth in revenues of 8% in the 1st semester of 2019 in the comparison with the same period of 2018. The year-round forecast of 2019 is high by 5% compared to last year. Although there is stability or even a drop in sales per unit of several products, there is growth by invoicing, which shows a choice for products with higher average ticket, with more resources, more technology, more connection. "In the case of telephony, for example, the average expense of R $950.00 in the first quadrimaster of 2018 on smartphones rose to more than R $1,100.00 in the same period this year. Our analysis has found that more sales of appliances with larger number of cameras, with larger screens, with more technology and, therefore, higher average prices, "says Rui Agapito, director of GfK and one of the responsible for the study. The category of white line, whose growth of 12.7% is also very connected to the most premium line, has as one of the examples the refrigerators with freezer at the bottom (or two doors) that grew 53%. As well as products that bring the so-called artificial intelligence and embedded connection. The traditional stoves have been losing space for the cooktop, consolidating the consumer's intent to possess a more gourmetized cuisine, in line with the TV programs focused on the culinary that brought this concept. "To confirm this trend of gourmetization, in the category of Electrolaptops, the planetary mixer and coffee machines grow much higher than the average, in the same way, in the white line, the most sophisticated washing machines (the lava and dry) also grow Above average ", assures Rui. The category of electronics, whose participation of TVs is very representative, recovers importance in the basket of durable, but televisions experienced a fall in the post Year Cup (-1.4%). On the other hand, they grow above average the sales of televisions with larger screens and more definition, in relation to the so-called "input" (up to 32 inches). In informatics, the highlight was the ultrathin notebooks, 18 mm, also premium equipment, whose sales rose 50%. "The computer sector, as a whole, grew 1% from January to April 2019, compared to the first four months of 2018, confirming the conclusion that the Brazilian consumer is, in fact, more demanding and inclined to acquire products with more quality, technology and Resources, "concludes Rui.
ABRE- 09/09/2019 News Item translated automatically
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