Friday, April 01, 2016

41% of the leading brands lost sales in 2015

The Nielsen survey published today (31/03) shows that 41% of the leading brands lost sales last year, against 22% of 2014. Despite the developments, the majority (59%) grew up or if kept stable in the period.
According to Arda Valley, market analyst of the Institute, the indentation is explained by the fall in the purchasing power of the Brazilian. This has been intensified, among other factors, in light of the high unemployment rate. "To save money and avoid debt, Brazilian comes more expensive brands trading, even though their tracks, by other cheaper," he said.
The survey found that, of a total of 44 categories analyzed in half of them happened to trade down process. That is, the volume of sales of cheaper items. Baskets of cleanliness and hygiene and beauty have been most affected with 71% and 70% of its products, respectively, being replaced. In, food, the Exchange happened in 42% and in drinks, at 17%.
Consumer preference
As consumers became less loyal to brands, the performance gains importance. According to the study from Nielsen, who performed at the point of sales activations managed to raise in 9% the volume marketed. As a result, the market share also sobiu. When only one activation was made in-store is offering, extra point or merchandising material, market share grew 25%. The percentage peaked at 38% when two activations.
"To not lose these sales brands need to keep in remembrance of consumers. Strengthen and establish new links in this time of fragile economy is indispensable ", Arda Valley, Nielsen concluded.
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