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E-commerce Grows 15%, Says Mastercard

3/5/2020 - Brazilian e-commerce grew 15.1% in January compared to the same period a year earlier, according to Mastercard SpendingPulse, an indicator of overall retail spending trends in all types of payments. The total sales volume of January, not counting automobiles, construction materials, restaurants and bed, table and bath, advanced 1.1%. In relation to the regions, the Southeast had an increase of 2.1%, the South grew 0.7% and the Northeast, 0.2%. In turn, the North recorded a drop of 0.9% and the M

Easter Egg Prices Rise 2% in 2020

3/5/2020 - The price of Easter eggs is expected to rise by 2% compared to 2019. The projection is from the Paulista Association of Supermarkets (Apas). Although the price of cocoa and sugar has remained stable over the past 12 months, the dollar's recent rise counterbalances the price for consumers, such as dyes and milk, explains Apas economist Thiago Berka. According to the Brazilian Chocolate Industry Association,

Retail Grows 2.2% in February in São Paulo

3/5/2020 - The sales movement in the city of São Paulo (SP) grew 2.2% in February, compared to the same period in 2019. The number is from the Sales Balance Sheet prepared by the Commercial Association of São Paulo (ACSP). The highlights were the term sales, which are usually of higher value and grew 2.8%. Spot trading also advanced, but at a lower intensity, with an increase of 1.6% compared to the previous year. The average forward and spot sales result in a 2.2% increase for February. Compared to Januar

OLX announces purchase of Zap Group for R$ 2.9 billion

3/5/2020 - The online classifieds company OLX announced on Tuesday (3) agreement to buy the real estate services group ZAP for R $ 2.9 billion, in a transaction financed by its two European shareholders. The payment will be made in cash and the transaction will still go through the evaluation of the Administrative Council of Economic Defense (Cade).

Chocolate industry falls 3% in 2019

3/4/2020 - The chocolate industries in Brazil manufactured 756,000 tons of products last year, a 3% drop over the previous year, according to data that have just been consolidated by the Brazilian Association of the Chocolate, Peanut and Candy Industry (Abicab). Per capita consumption last year was estimated at 2.6 kg of chocolate per inhabitant, still according to the entity.

Brazilian companies will adopt emotional health management in the next 2 years

3/4/2020 - Brazilian companies are considering implementing mental health programs in the next two years. A survey "Mental Health Trends in Latin America and the Caribbean 2019", by mercer marsh benefits, pointed out that 78% of Brazilian companies want to have some such program. In 77.2% of them, workers already participate in the planning of mental health management initiatives. The survey was conducted with 880 companies from 11 countries in Latin America.

Best-selling cigarette brand in Brazil comes from Paraguay

3/4/2020 - After becoming a global leader in the consumption of smuggled cigarettes in terms of volume, Brazil must move Malaysia into illegal tobacco market share, according to consultancy Oxford Economics. Last year, 57% of cigarettes smoked in the country entered illegally and

Rising dollar leaves Easter with more expensive wines and chocolate eggs

3/4/2020 - The price of Easter eggs is expected to rise 2% this year compared to 2019, according to data from the São Paulo Association of Supermarkets (Apas). In the last 12 months, the drop in the price of chocolate has been 9.17%, but the high dollar will put pressure on the price for the consumer.

Cheaper, capsule drinks increase sales by 50%

3/4/2020 - B.Blend, a capsule beverage company of home appliance manufacturer Whirlpool and beverage producer Ambev, increased the sale of capsules and machines by 50% last year, up from a 30% projection for the period. For this year, the plan is to maintain the pace of growth with cheaper machines and expand the portfolio of alcoholic capsules.

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