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July, 2014

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239 items in 16 pages
Sporting goods market can grow 8% this year

7/11/2014 - In the year of the World Cup, an event which ends on Sunday in Brazil, the sale of articles and athl

3D effects in the new labels of Baumgarten Gráfica

7/11/2014 - And are these differentiators compositions of two releases that enter the industry portfolio and rea

Sales of imported cars fell 13.4% in the first half, says Abeifa

7/11/2014 - In line with the trend of falling sales of national cars, imported cars also had retraction in the f

Hygiene beauty: billing & and investments

7/11/2014 - The industry's revenue grew 11 percent in the first half, a real high of 5.5% as compared to the sam

Dauper Biscoiteria throws Brazil Selection

7/11/2014 - A Biscoiteria Dauper acaba de lançar a linha Seleção Brasil com biscoitos alusivos ao mundial de fut

Beauty industry grows 11%

7/11/2014 - The World Cup in Brazil was bad for the beauty industry in General, which recorded a drop in sales i

Opened the retail sale of TVs

7/10/2014 - The day after the defeat of Brazil by 7 to 1 to Germany in the semifinal of the World Cup, the retai

Brazil: 4th largest consumer of cement

7/10/2014 - The cement industry has doubled in size in Brazil, moving from 10th place in consumption in the worl

New cement factory in Parana

7/10/2014 - The CVR – Companhia Vale do Ribeira, invests R $ 518 million for the construction of a cement factor

Sales of trucks fell 12%, despite the Government's relief measures

7/10/2014 - The Government freed up credit and just time with the recovery of IPC, but the market did not react

Sale of Tablets can overcome the PCS

7/10/2014 - In 2015, the sale of tablets will surpass that of PCs for the first time, according to the consultin

Tetra Pak inaugurates expansion and already thinks in further increase in

7/10/2014 - The absolute leader in the country in provision of aseptic carton packaging, the famous long life bo

Cachaça 51 renews its packaging

7/10/2014 - The absolute leader, holds 1/3 sales in the Brazilian market, has begun distributing its new packagi

Vehicle production back up 23.3% in June compared to may

7/10/2014 - The production of cars, light commercials, trucks and buses in Brazil totaled 215,934 units in June,

Volkswagen's sales rise 1.1% in June

7/10/2014 - Volkswagen recorded worldwide record sales to surpass for the first time the mark of 3 million cars

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