Thursday, July 10, 2014

Sales of trucks fell 12%, despite the Government's relief measures

The Government freed up credit and just time with the recovery of IPC, but the market did not react and can close the year with a result similar to 2012, when sales plummeted
The Government has released, desburocratizou cheap credit financing and exempted from time the procedure for charging the tax on industrialized products (IPI), but the truck market hasn't reacted. Sales fell 12.6% compared to the first half of 2013, totaling 64.6 thousand units.
The prediction of manufacturers and analysts is that a reaction occurs in the second half of the year, but not enough to reverse the fall. The final figures should be close to those of 2012, when 139 thousand trucks were sold. Sales that year plummeted almost 20 percent compared to the volume record for 2011, of 172.8 million units, after price adjustments due to the change of engine technology, which passed to adopt the Euro 5 standard.
"I started the year predicting growth of 3% to 5% in sales, but now I've been working with a double-digit drop, even if there is an improvement in the coming months," says the President of MAN Latin America, Roberto Cortes. In June were sold 10.7 thousand trucks, down 17% compared to may and 18% as compared to the same month last year.
André Beer, of André Beer Consult, remember that the truck market follows the pace of the economy, which is slowing down. "Within a framework of these, companies do not acquire trucks because it cost money and there will be no use, since there is no product to be transported."
Beer and believe Cuts in an improvement of the market after the World Cup. "But there will be no time to recover the fall so far," says Beer. He foresees reduction of 10% or more in comparison with the last year's total of 154.5 thousand units.
Cut in production. All manufacturers of trucks in the country have already adopted measures to cut production, as layoffs, lay-off (suspension of employment contracts) and voluntary redundancy programmes (Buyouts). "In the second half there are risks of companies having to make adjustments in the personnel, because we can't keep these measures permanently," says Beer.
In MAN, which also produces trucks of brand Volkswagen, have already been adopted layoffs and a group of 200 workers on lay-off since March. "We will assess further action, because we want to avoid layoffs because we hope that it will be a temporary issue," said Cortes.
Mercedes-Benz cut a work shift at the factory of the greater ABC, gave collective vacations has opened a POV to 2 thousand people (obtained 1.1 thousand accessions) and put 1.5 thousand employees on lay-off this month, in addition to vacation to the staff of unit of Juiz de Fora (MG).
"As we are still at the beginning of the second half and on the basis of the results obtained so far in the Brazilian market, we can't predict a recovery in sales of trucks for the next few months. So, if necessary, we will continue to study new generation adequacy measures, "according to the company.
On Monday, Ford will stop production of trucks in São Bernardo do Campo (SP) for ten working days. The company had already given collective clearances in February and April.
Still, they maintain for August around the production of the new F-series trucks, which generated 197 new jobs in the first quarter. These models were out of line since 2011.
New brands are putting off plans, although claim not having connection with the current scenario. The DAF, which opened the factory in Ponta Grossa (PR) in October, left to 2015 the extra heavy trucks production starting before planned for this year. Metro-Schacman will delay by one year the opening of the factory in Tatuí (State of Rio Grande do Sul), announced to half of 2014
Guia do Transportador - 07/07/2014
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