Friday, July 11, 2014

Sales of imported cars fell 13.4% in the first half, says Abeifa

In line with the trend of falling sales of national cars, imported cars also had retraction in the first half of the year. According to data from the Brazilian Association of Importers and Manufacturers of motor vehicles (Abeifa), sales in this segment, among his 29 associated brands, declined 13.4% between January and June, compared with the same period last year.
Only in the month of June, sales of imported cars fell 33.4 percent over the same month in 2013. In comparison with the month of may, when they got their plates 7,216 vehicles, the June performance was 12.6% lower, with 6,307 emplacadas units.
In the first six months of the year, got their plates were 46,483 vehicles (cars and light commercial) front to 53,704 registered plates issued in the same period from 2013.
In the evaluation of the Abeifa, the fall in sales of imported cars follows the trend of the auto industry. Domestic production fell 16.8% in the first half, remember the Abeifa, compared to the same period last year.
"The applicants imported sales declines in recent months, signaling that the consumer is in the standby compass and waits for signs of economic recovery, which should happen in the second half," says Marcel Viscount, President of Abeifa.
To try to reverse this situation, says the leader, the importers are creating promotional actions and holding the price of vehicles.
"We had an atypical first half, with many holidays and the World Cup, which reduced the number of working days. In June, for example, had only 17 working days of sale front of 20 days in the same month of last year, "says Viscount. Extra
Infomet - 11/07/2014
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