quinta-feira, 11 de junho, 2015

Manufacturer makes deal with Cade

The Administrative Council for economic Defense (Cade) signed yesterday an agreement with Ambev to terminate a process driven by Kaiser in 2007, in which the company was accused of adopting exclusive sales practices. In 2010, the Kaiser was acquired by Dutch Heineken.
Under the agreement, formally called the compromise term of cessation (TCC), Ambev has agreed to limit to 10 percent the volume of sales in points with which holds some kind of exclusive deal. The company also will not exceed in 8% the amount of points of sale of beer exclusively.
According to the Rapporteur of the case, Councillor Ana Frazão, this limit would be acceptable since it allows at least 92% of the points of sale with Ambev's brands stay free to purchase products from rival companies.
The term signed also predicts that Ambev will have to change its policy. The company is prohibited from requiring uniqueness of points of sale in Exchange for the loan of refrigerators. With the agreement, the process has exited.
Owner of brands like Brahma and Skol, Ambev has 67.5% of the Brazilian beer market.
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