quarta-feira, 14 de agosto, 2013

Microbreweries take ride on rock bands

Matanza, Ratos de Porão, Raimundos, Sepultura, Blues Etílicos. Bands, Yes. And beers as well. To win the market and extend the power of disclosure, the manufacturers of special beers decided to migrate to the universe of music.
And follow the example of breweries that out there are tributes to rock icons. The price of the drink for not being there too much pop — is around $ 20 — but the proposal of special or Premium beer market is precisely the uniqueness.
Alex Aguilar, Director of the Brazilian Association of Brewers of drinks (Abrabe) says that the special microbreweries are equivalent to 0.15% of the national market. And, this is why it is necessary to invest in marketing tools that draw attention.
"This movement ends up being trend because the microbreweries are the same structure of large and need to find ways to win market share. The price is higher because the target audience is differentiated and the distribution is in bars. This formula can even, in the future, to stimulate the large breweries to follow a similar path, "calculates Neide.
Today, according to Abrabe, Brazil has about 200 microbreweries, concentrate mainly in the South and Southeast of Brazil. Are small industries, most family businesses, with production not exceeding five million litres per year.
According to the Association, the products developed by microbreweries have malt content not less than 80%, are manufactured with special ingredients and traditional recipes. The industry presents growth trend and is expected to reach 2% of the market share of beers in ten years. This growth, however, depends on the change in consumer habits, which happen gradually. The market as a whole produced more than 14 billion liters of beer in 2012.
During the 11TH International Fair Brau-Brazil technology in Beer, which happened in June in Sao Paulo, the brewery Karavelle, Indaiatuba (SP), which has as a partner the singer Seu Jorge, poster boy of the brand, has launched its new Rock Beers, in partnership with Radio FM 89.
Already the Dortmund brewery, deSerra Negra, in São Paulo-water Circuit, launched the Matanza IPA, homenagemà rock band from Rio de Janeiro. Next week come out the bottles of beers Korzus and Claustrophobia. And, soon, will be the turn of beer Ratos de Porão and another, which highlights one of its members, vocalist João Gordo.
AcervejariaBamberg, deVotorantim (SP), one of the pioneers in tributes strung out, had already lançadoaRaimundosHellesedepoiscolocou on the market to Camila, Camila, one of the songs of none of us rock band. The Raimundos Helles is also a creation of Bamberg, as well as the grave Weiss, quehomenageiaos25anosdabanda. The Blues also have time between the special beers. The Classic Mixture created the Blues Etílicos, a Hellbier, a typical region of Munich.
Brasil Econômico - 13/08/2013
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