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Cement Trade Grew 7.4% in February

3/10/2020 - Cement sales rose 7.4% in February compared to the same month last year. Compared to January of this year, the advance went from 5.8% to 198,700 tons per business day. The data are from Snic, an association that represents the manufacturers of the input. In nominal terms,

Brazilian tourism has a 2.2% increase in revenues and creates 35,000 new jobs...

3/10/2020 - Brazilian tourism grew 2.2% in revenues last year, moving R$ 238.6 billion, according to the ICV-Tur report - a survey index prepared by the National Confederation of Trade in Goods, Services and Tourism (CNC). It was the highest in the sector since 2017.

Alelo launches app for restaurants

3/10/2020 - The flag specializing in benefits Alelo is launching the prompt pede app. In the app, the user sees the menu, chooses the dish, pays, accompanies the preparation time and removes it on the counter. The application has more than 300 registered restaurants and 30,000 active consumers, with the

Brazilian worker dreams of quality of life and promotion

3/10/2020 - If they could choose the benefits offered by companies, 29.4% of workers would opt for health plans and assistance for professional improvement courses (25.3%). This is what the survey "Wishes of the Brazilian Worker for 2020" shows, organized from 57,000

With revenue target of R$ 1 billion, senior software company mira exterior

3/10/2020 - With a goal of reaching a turnover of R$ 1 billion in 2023, the senior software company is already aiming its expansion abroad. In the plans for this year is the acquisition of companies in Colombia or Mexico, which are the two markets analyzed at this first moment. Last year revenues reached R$ 431 million and by 2020 revenue swelled to R$ 488 million.

Dollar expands high and goes to R $ 4.70 accompanying abroad after WHO declar...

3/11/2020 - The dollar extended its rise against the real on Wednesday, surpassing 4.70 reais after recording the biggest drop in six months in the previous session, following the lower appetite for risk abroad after the World Health Organization characterized the coronavirus as pandemic.

ABRE Event: Economic Scenario in Brazil

3/11/2020 - Macroeconomic data from the sector A study developed by the Getúlio Vargas Foundation for ABRE more than 20 years ago, which aims to present to the sector information that contributes to more accurate statistical analyses, understanding the dynamics of the sector for packaging materials and access to economic and political prospects for the year.

Shoe manufacturers increase production by 1% in January

3/11/2020 - Footwear increased production by 1% in January, according to the Brazilian Association of Footwear Industries (Abicalçados). Still without feeling the effects of coronavirus, the sector grew in relation to December, when there was a 7.8% decrease. In 2019, the cumulative increase was 1.3%,

Owner of Vivo and TIM negotiate purchase of Oi Móvel

3/11/2020 - Telefónica Brasil, owner of Vivo, and TIM announced on Tuesday evening (10) that they began negotiations to buy the mobile network of the operator Oi. The announcement was made by Telefónica to the shareholders of the two companies and Bank of America Merrill Lynch, financial advisor to the Oi Group, which is in judicial recovery.

ANEEL approves average adjustment of 6.21% for Light tariffs

3/11/2020 - The National Electric Energy Agency (ANEEL) approved on Tuesday (10) average adjustment of 6.21% for light tariffs. The increase begins on March 15.

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