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2015 items in 135 pages
Adherence to smartphones has never been so high in Brazil, says study

5/3/2016 - Adherence to smartphones has never been so high in Brazil, revealed a study ComTech. The data raised

For more promotions, supermarkets catch uphill battle with industry

5/3/2016 - São Paulo-to provide conditions more attractive to consumers, the supermarket chains in the country

Solvay Indupa 70.59% sells for the brazilian Company

5/3/2016 - Brussels, May 3 (AFP)-2016 the chemical multinational Solvay announced on Tuesday a deal to sell the

Teas ready should grow 6.2 percent per year up to 2020

5/3/2016 - Tea sales volume grew 8.2% ready in 2015, reaching 189.5 million liters sold. The data are from Euro

Alpargatas completes sale of Toper and Queen to Sforza

5/3/2016 - The Alpargatas reported in fact that it has completed the sale of the operations related to trademar

Guarani search extend sugar retail sales

5/2/2016 - While most of the sugar-alcohol sector bet their chips into the foreign market because of the favora

Offer decreases and rises once again

5/2/2016 - The restricted supply of milk in the country returned to the Brazilian producer prices rise in April

Itambé anticipates contribution in zero lactose

5/2/2016 - Even in a scenario of desaquecida demand in the country, even for nondurable goods, Itambé Foods dec

Chemical industry activity recedes in the first quarter, says Abiquim

5/2/2016 - Production, domestic sales and demand for industrial chemicals followed in trajectory of decline in

Craft beers threaten reign of industrialised

5/2/2016 - New York, the growth of craft beer in recent years threatens now the reign of the great industrial b

BRF will again raise rates to tackle high cost of maize

5/2/2016 - The BRF plans to increase its prices by about 7% in May to help deal with increased costs and a mark

52% of women will keep spending on beauty products in 2016

5/2/2016 - More than half of consumers (52%) plan to maintain this year the same amount spent on beauty product

Hypermarcas may sell diaper thing in a year

5/2/2016 - The sale of diapers can achieve Hypermarcas within one year, indicated yesterday (28/04) Claudio Ber

Sales of the supermarket sector have high of 1.18% in first quarter

4/29/2016 - In the first quarter of this year, sales of the supermarket sector have accumulated high of 1.18%, i

Johnson & Johnson buys global leader in skin care

4/29/2016 - Sao Paulo-the Johnson & Johnson bought the company NeoStrata Consumption, one of the largest compani

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