segunda-feira, 04 de julho, 2016

Third age likes to visit supermarkets

Recent study of Sophia shows that 70% of Retail audience enters several stores to find what you''re looking for. Among women, this percentage reaches 79%. And most of the women (65%) also consider going to a supermarket tour. Consumers like to watch the news and spend a lot of time inside the store, especially in shops of the district where they live.
Most live with companion (56%) or with children (29%) and 37% still work, representing a major portion of the elderly population, which has some slack budgets. With "certain" products, affordable, nice service and, in many cases, good condition of payment it is possible to retain this audience and stimulate consumption of new items.
The research also reveals that this public value labels with large letters, air conditioning with temperature and employees willing to give explanations about products. It''s good to remember that the elderly population will reach 37,000,000 people in 2026.
Sophia''s Retail research, performed with the CIP (Standard Intelligence Center), occurred in April 2016 and involved 300 interviews online, in partnership with the eCGlobal Panel. Women and men have been consulted, above 60 years, 53% of the class B, class C 28% and 19% of the class.
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