terça-feira, 05 de agosto, 2014

Sales of the supermarket sector accumulate high of 1.57% in first half

In the first half of the year (January to June), sales of the supermarket sector accumulate high of 1.57%, in comparison with the same period last year. In June, sales in real values, deflated by the IPCA/IBGE, presented fall of -1.40% in comparison with the immediately preceding month and high of 1.29% over the same month of the year of 2013.
In nominal values, June sales were -1.01% drop compared to the previous month and when compared to June 2013, high of 7.90%. Year to date, nominal sales grew 7.77%.
In the evaluation of the Chairman of the Advisory Council of the OPEN, the supermarket sector Sussumu Honda, showed moderate growth of sales in the first half, reflecting the slower pace of the Brazilian economy as a whole.
"Some indicators already show that the Brazilian economy has evolved very little this year and our sales index shows that this slowdown also impacted on the results of the sector", says Honda. "The rate of job creation, for example, has been dropping a lot and rose just 0.06% in June compared to may. In the same vein, the confidence index also decreases, affecting the willingness of consumer purchase, "adds the President of the Advisory Board of the Open.
Embanews -04/08/2014
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