segunda-feira, 25 de março, 2013

Manufacturers try to evade bad phase of PC market

Before the scenario falls in sales, the computer manufacturers that operate in Brazil try to, each one his way, circumventing the bad patch of the market and increase sales. Focus on features such as touch screen screens and mobility are among the stakes of companies in this sector, suffering from an increasingly competitive market and with smaller profit margins.
According to IDC, sales fell 2 percent last year in 2011, totaling 15.5 million units sold, between notebooks and desktops. The consultancy says that the fall occurred because many retailers still had stocks of previous quarters, formed on the basis of the early year optimism regarding the country's economy. In addition, manufacturers are facing competition with other devices such as tablets, and smartphones, which have been falling in like the Brazilians.
"I don't think the tablet steal PC market, but that block growth," says Marcel Fields, Manager of Asus products. Given this scenario, the manufacturer in Brazil's strategy is to focus on notebooks, which still grows in the country, and bringing resources and sophisticated finishes for products "input".
That's what the company did in its last release, which brings a touchscreen to the laptop for $ 1.5 mil. Fields explains that with the launch of Windows 8, Microsoft, was easier to launch products with touch screen, because the operating system is already prepared for this type of fabric, since it is also used in tablets.
With this strategy the Asus, which manufactures computers in Brazil since 2009, claims not to be having problems with drop in sales of PCs. Additionally, has been preparing to snatch up the Tablet market with the launch of a $ 700 product this month, the MeMO Pad.
"We will be able to reach an audience that does not alcançávamos before, with r $ 1.5 mil, the Transformer," says fields. In order to download more prices, the company studies the local production of tablets, which are still imported.
The concern of manufacturers in investing in tablets is based on the numbers of this market. In 2012, there were 171% growth in 2011 in Brazil, according to IDC. The expectation is that sales to reach 11.4 million units in 2017, what has made PCs companies moving in this direction.
Another manufacturer, Dell, States that recently announced a large number of releases in its growing portfolio of computers, including new tablets. The company is also focused on improving its positioning of prices on PCs and believe that this will benefit in future results. Dell does not open the numbers of Brazilian operation, but overall saw sales of notebooks fall in the last quarter, and want to reverse the picture.
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