sexta-feira, 08 de fevereiro, 2013

Production vehicles have the best January in its history in Brazil

The year 2013 started with big news for the automotive industry. In January the automakers in the country have produced 279,332 units, the best mark for the month of all time.
"We started the year well. There was neither automakers made collective vacation that shows the strength of the market, "said the President of the National Association of Automotive vehicle manufacturers (Anfavea), Cledorvino Belini.
According to the data of the entity, the growth in manufacturing was 7.7 percent in January over December, reaching 279.3 thousand units. In comparison with January last year, the production soared 31.9%.
"February is expected to lower production, due to the Carnival, in addition, the month is shorter. But, the important thing is that the year started well. "
Truck production also jumped in January this year. The growth was 4% over the same period last year, from 12.1 thousand units to 12.7 thousand vehicles. In comparison with December 2012, production of trucks increased 42.7%. That month, 8.9 thousand units were manufactured.
This growth comes at a good time for the Brazilian industry. Since last year, the total production of vehicles fell 1% and truck mount, 40.5%.
This movement caused last year, production restraint measures, such as temporary suspension of work and collective elongated vacations.
Man Latin America President Roberto Cortes, had already mentioned the market and consequently improves production. "The maintenance of Government incentives, the reduction of rates of Finame PSI (financing from BNDES), positively impacted the industry. With this, we start to increase the rate of production. We believe that by the end of 2013, we will be in 2010, "said production Cuts recently to Brazil.
Sales of new vehicles fell 13.3 percent in January over December and climbed 16.1% compared with January last year, to 311.5 million units.
Received impulse sales of consumers interested in taking advantage of vehicle stocks billed the full discount of the Industrialized Product tax (IPI). The tribute came to be gradually raised from this year.
"Stocks were low because of high sales in December, when license 359.4 thousand units" Cledorvino Belini said.
Already exports vehicles, including agricultural machinery, totaled $ 1 billion, down 5.4% compared with December. In units, the shipments totaled 36,232 units, up 9.5% over January last year.
Brasil Econômico
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