segunda-feira, 04 de abril, 2016

St. Helen spear Paçoquita Commemorative Edition to the 2016 Olympics

To take advantage of the expected consumption generated by the Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, the St. Helena turns its main star in minipaçocas in Paçoquita Series Mini sports. During the pre-Olympic period, the news will hit the gôncolas with exclusive packaging and cards nine trivia competition modes (horseback riding, cycling, athletics, judo, volleyball, swimming, soccer, tennis, and basketball), reports John Lise, product manager of the company. The texts related to sports can be conferred in the internal cartridge delicacy and it will be possible to highlight them to collect, adds the Executive. "The Commemorative Edition is limited to just one batch and, therefore, who want to ensure their Paçoquita Mini sports and win the cards need to run to the points of sales (Pos)", directs Lise.
According to him, the idea emerged to feed and entertain consumers of candy. Traditionally, the Paçoquita tag always introduces news, remember. Since 1986, when it began production, took over the mission be a differentiated product for the taste and, at the same time, with innovative visual, practical and affordable. "So, the line has won several versions, such as the Diet, with oats, creamy, Creamy Zero and now the Paçoquita Mini Sports, which is an offshoot of the brand, this time uniting flavor and knowledge", underlines Lise.
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