quinta-feira, 03 de julho, 2014

Stevia Soul brings to Brazil pure stevia sweetener

The manufacturer of foods Stevia Soul puts more a novelty in the market: the Soul Stevita, dietary sweetener made only with pure crystal of stevia. The product is packaged in sachets of 70 milligrams, sold in boxes of 50 units. The layout was designed by José Vanjani, graphic designer and products. The production of paperboard cartridges is made by Midiograf. The sachets are provided by Porto Franco.
According to the manufacturer, a sachet of Stevita Soul equals three teaspoons of caster sugar. The Stevita Soul does not use vehicles, like the maldodextrina (extract derived from corn) and lactose, compounds used to dilute the sweetener and add volume to the products.
The stevia is a plant naturally sweet and has the potential to sweeten up to 300 times more than cane sugar. The plant does not contain calories, prevents the appearance of tooth decay and can be consumed freely by diabetics, pregnant women and children. That is what the natural sweetener is extracted from steviol Glycoside, responsible for enhancing the taste of food and which has been used increasingly by industry around the world in juices, sodas, chocolates, yogurt, among other products.
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