quarta-feira, 08 de maio, 2013

Hypermarcas Consumption Division grows 10% in 1st Qtr

According to the company, to consider only the expansion in major consumer brands, the increase was of 16.2%
Enamels Risqué: between January and March, Hypermarcas advanced in integration of Senador Canedo, with the start of production of cosmetic lines on the new drive
São Paulo-Hypermarcas grew 10% in Consumption in the first quarter of 2013 as compared to the same range of 2012. According to the company, to consider only the expansion in major consumer brands, the increase was 16.2%, on the same basis of comparison.
In a report, the company explains that the growth in net sales was accompanied by gross margin improvement, which increased 1.3 percentage point compared to the previous year, to 47.6% in the quarter. "This result is related to the initiatives that have been implemented by the company since 2012, aiming to simplify the Consumer Division's operations".
Between January and March, Hypermarcas advanced in integration of Senador Canedo, with the start of production of cosmetic lines on the new drive.
According to the company, the full migration should be completed by mid-2013. In the period, the production capacity of diapers was elevated after the installation of new machinery in the factory of Senador Canedo, who also will absorb part of the production of disposable products, in the second stage of the project Matrix.
The report points out that, in the commercial area, Hypermarcas finalized the restructuring of the Consumer Division's sales force in February this year.
In the new configuration, the teams are balance-oriented sales initiatives sell-in (retail) with shares of sell-out (resale), in order to reduce the spaces not occupied by the brands of the company ("white spaces"). There was also the standardization of commercial policy Division.
From the point of view of marketing, the Division resumed the renovation work of the portfolio, with product launches and media campaigns, especially Zero-Cal Sucralose; Monange Fall Prevention; Biocolor Glam, in category coloring; and in glazes, the autumn/winter 2013 Brazil for Risqué-Sets.
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