terça-feira, 07 de maio, 2019

Tangará Investra R $60 million in 2019

Tangará Foods, specializing in dairy solutions, projects a 58% growth in revenues in 2019, compared to last year. In an exclusive interview with the Giro News newspaper, Clivair Cunha Júnior, vice president of the company, reveals that this year, the contributions will be directed to the increase in production capacity. "We will invest around R $45 million in acquisitions of new industrial units and R $15 million in existing plants." According to the executive, the food service is the channel that receives the company's highest attention, due to its growth potential and the "aggregate value margin". "Today, the food service segment represents 20% of revenues and we want to achieve a 40% stake in three years," Cunha confides. Retail, in turn, holds 40% of revenue share and the goal is to reduce to 20% in the next three years. The food industry and institutional market channels each represent 20% and will have this average maintained. According to the vice president, the company has conducted campaigns with tasting, promotions and awards distribution at the points of sale of the north and Northeast regions. Incremented Portfolio To date, Tangará has already released seven items in the lines Nutrimax and Purelac Pro. "This year, we will also launch the condensed milk Bag, in the versions of 2, 5kg and 5kg, and seven other products for the food service and retail channels," anticipates Cunha. According to him, the Purelac Pro brand, destined for the ice cream industry, has been prominent in recent years. "Purelac Pro Premium, a product that replaces milk and acts on the texture of ice creams, had a three-fold increase in sales volume in the first quarter, compared to the same period last year," concludes the vice president.
Giro News- 07/05/2019 Noticia traduzida automaticamente
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