quarta-feira, 10 de janeiro, 2018

CEAGESP index accumulates 4.32% fall in 2017

The year 2017 was favorable to the horticultural supply sector, helped by the climate and by the recovery of the economy. With lower interest rates, the industry, in General, managed to recover from the difficulties faced in 2016, increasing investment and the volume offered.
With more products on the market, the prices of more than 150 products accompanied by index CEAGESP closed the year with fall. Fruits and various expressive price reductions were recorded throughout the year. Vegetables and fish closed the year with high prices.
Main falls: Fruit: Green coconut (-38.0%), palmer (-32.5%) Mango, banana runt (-28.7%), PEAR (Orange-28.2%), fuji Apple (-28.0%) and yellow melon (-26.2%). Vegetables: cassava (-54.0%) pumpkin (-39.8%), Arracacha (-31.1%) and Japanese pumpkin (-23.3%). Vegetables: coriander (-49.3%), Arugula (-21.1%), spinach (-18.9%) and Broccoli (-13.5%). Various: Chinese garlic (-77.5%) and garlic (25.3%). Fish: Squid frozen (-34.0%), salmon (-22.4%), cascote (-15.8%) and hake (-15.7%).
Main high: Fruit: lemon Tahiti (156.4%), Hawaii papaya (59.5%) and formosa papaya (24.8%). Vegetables: green peppers (63.8%), dry pumpkin (52.4%), ripe tomato (42.6%), tomatoes (32.6%) and carrot salad (26.5%). Greens: Escarole (53.5%), cabbage (32.7%), hydroponic (18.3%) crisp lettuce and Swiss chard (15.0%). Miscellaneous: benefited lisa (48.8%) potato, dried coconut (23.0%) and onions (17.4%). Fish: mullet (62.0%), frozen sardines (51.2%) and painted captivity (12.9%).
December results
The CEAGESP index retreated 2.32%. All sectors showed a decline, with emphasis on the sectors of vegetables where both presented recoil-5.99%.
The frequent rains and high temperatures that commonly occur in the first quarter of each year may cause highly harmful situations for the production of vegetables, especially the more sensitive. Therefore, vegetables should present problems in quality and decrease in volume offered beginning in 2018. On the other hand, most fruits should register good supply and reduced prices compared to last year.
Supermercado Moderno - 09/01/2018
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