terça-feira, 05 de julho, 2016

Brazil is the first country in Latin America to receive Swiss white wine

The Brazil will be the first country in Latin America to import the Swiss white wine, made from the Chasselas grape, unique European country.
The Switzerland''s small production and high consumption. For this, the wine is little exported. For comparison, the country has 15000 hectares of vineyards, compared with more than 1 million of Spain and France''s 800,000. Half of the area of cultivation is geared towards white wine Chasselas.
Before Brazil, a few copies were distributed to London, New York and Tokyo, where are sold in specialty restaurants.
Will be the same fate of products shipped here. They are tasted first on the River, in the House, Switzerland at the Olympics. Then, at events in São Paulo.
"We''re not looking for mass markets, because the export is not enough," says the brazilian Luciana Mota, of the Association of Winemakers from the shores of Lake Leman.
The wine Chasselas is softer. According to Daniella Romano, which organizes the presentation in Brazil, he has the potential to attract fans in the summer.
Swiss companies have been increasing the activities in the country. The chocolate maker Lindt joined Copenhagen in 2014. The Zurich Airport took the Confins international airport, in consortium with the CCR Group, and has other interests in the country.
The import of Swiss products in Brazil since 2010 revolved around 2.8 billion R$. With the crisis, fell in 2015 to 2.4 billion R$. The main products that come here are the pharmaceutical and chemical industries.
One of the companies that want to grow in the country is the Victorinox, Swiss army knife. The Brazil is only the 22nd consumer market the brand, which faces competition from Tramontina.
"Swiss investments grew. It''s time to invest. The Brazil has huge potential, "said Switzerland''s Ambassador in Brazil, Andre Regli.
Betting on the World Cup and at the Olympics, the Swiss Government decided in 2014 invest 9,000,000 Swiss francs (32,000,000 R$) on its disclosure.
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