segunda-feira, 04 de agosto, 2014

Vehicle sales retreat 13.9% in July, Fenabrave points

SÃO PAULO-balance sheet released by Fenabrave, the entity of the car dealerships, shows that the sector closed July marking fall of 13.9% in sales compared to the volume of a year ago.
In total, 294.8 million vehicles--including cars, SUVs, light trucks and buses — got their plates were last month, representing a high of 11.8% compared to the weak result of June. High in this comparison should, however, the more favourable commercial calendar July, not counting the holidays of World Cup host cities, had three working days more than sale.
As had already happened in June, the World Cup hurt the performance last month by reducing the movement at dealerships. The drop in vehicle sales year to date, which was 7.6% at the end of June, rose to 8.6%
The expectation of automakers is that the market start to recover with the traditional heating business in the second half, the lowest occurrence of holidays over the next few months and the effects of measures announced last week by the Central Bank to irrigate the consumer credit market.
Only in the segment of passenger cars and light utility vehicles, sales, to 279.8 thousand units, fell 13.6% last month, compared with the same period in 2013.
Leader of this market, Fiat had 21% of sales last month, followed by General Motors (17.9 percent), Volkswagen (17.5 percent) and Ford (9.1 percent).
In the market for trucks, sales fell 18% compared to the previous year, totaling 12.5 million units last month. The result shows that the reaction outlined by the commercial vehicle sector between April and may not be sustained.
(Eduardo Laguna | Value)
Valor Econômico - 04/08/2014
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