terça-feira, 05 de agosto, 2014

Congraf creates packaging for presenteável kit Jequiti's parents ' Day

This year, the team of Jequiti's designers created the art for the presenteável kit project for father's day, using as the basis of allusive figures to date. The predominantly blue and its various shades suggest the various ways in which the father may be present in the life of a child through care, education, teaching, but also of your sensitive side and amiable. The dotted line signifies the direction, the importance of father figure in the conduct of the future.
"The sum of all these elements printed in this package, refer to the cozy feel of the warm clothes that parents use, demonstrating its features of leader and provider, but also of sincere love, safe and faithful", explains Andrea Duran, product analyst and innovation of Jequiti.
The structure, already was the team of Congraf Packaging, which has developed a format that conversation with the concept used in the art as well as being simple and functional. The box has auto-Fund and CAP in two tabs to the Middle, on the same Assembly was printed a glove for closing. All produced in paper triplex cardboard, printed in 4 colors front and 1 on the back. The varnish gloss finish on front and matte varnish on the back has added value to the visual and gave a touch of sophistication to packing.
By purchasing the kit presenteável (glove box), the consumer receives also a flowpack with Assembly instructions, so you can pack and close your gift properly.
"Our partnerships with Jequiti always generate unique solutions and custom packaging. Each commemorative date and different audience inspires us with regard to challenges, new concepts and, of course, meet customer expectations ", considers Cesar Costa, designer of packaging Congraf packaging.
Embanews - 31/07/2014
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