quarta-feira, 06 de agosto, 2014

Apple will introduce two new iPhones in September 9, says source

NEW YORK-Apple should introduce the new line of its iPhones on September 9, according to a person close to the company. The event, which should be convened soon, would occur in time similar to American history to publicize new handsets in September and start sales a few weeks later.
The company should launch two iPhones with larger screens, a 4.7 inch and another of 5.5 inches, added sources. The technology giant would already be asking suppliers to assemble between 70 million and 80 million units of two novelties.
Apple has so far decided to keep their phones in smaller versions, approximately 4 inches, even at a time when every Smartphone rivals manufacturers began to increase the screen of their mobile devices.
(Dow Jones Newswires)
Valor Econômico - 05/08/2014
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