quarta-feira, 21 de maio, 2014

Group 3corações launches latte Zero added sugar

The 3coraçõesaumenta Group its product portfolio with the release of version snapshots Zero added sugars from your already recognized latte. Ideal for those who want less sugar in their daily lives and also to consumers who prefer to sweeten the drink with his measure, the news will be available in supermarkets throughout Brazil from June.
With a new formulation, which yields 13 servings in each package, the latte provides 50% of Sugars Zero daily need of calcium every two servings (two cups of 20 g each) consumed. The novelty may be found in metallic packing 265 g.
"We recorded a return representative of consumers who would like to see on the market our latte with the option to sweeten to your liking. So how do we find others who are fans of the drink, but want to reduce the consumption of sugar into your routine. From that return, we work on the release of version Zero added sugar and we hope to appeal to that consumer, "says Christophe Fraser, brand manager 3 Hearts.
Embanews - 20/05/2014
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