quarta-feira, 07 de maio, 2014

Fiat plans to sell 1.3 million units in Latin America in 2018

SÃO PAULO-Fiat plans to sell 1.3 million units in Latin America in 2018, which would represent an increase of 43% compared to about 900 thousand vehicles marketed in 2013. In four years until 2018, accumulated sales in excess of 5.8 million units, according to published presentation today on the website of the company.
In the year to March, Fiat leads the Brazilian market with 174.8 thousand units sold orby a market share of 22.5%, according to data from the National Association of Automotive vehicle manufacturers (Anfavea).
In the presentation made today by the President of Fiat in Latin America, Cledorvino Bellini, the company presented among the positive points of the Brazilian market to strong domestic demand, the low rate of unemployment, the reduction of rates of default and the economy diversified, with a growing middle class. Already on the negative side, the Group underline zou to inflationary pressure, the high interest rates, the low level of consumer confidence, slowing economic growth and little modern infrastructure.
Valor Econômico - 06/05/2014
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