quinta-feira, 09 de janeiro, 2014

Walmart expects growth of 20% in the sale of sunscreens

Followed by December, January is considered the second strongest month of sale of sunscreens at Walmart, but with a larger growth percentage. For the period is expected to increase by 20% in volume. This double-digit increase remains during the summer. In December the company has already registered a nominal growth of 15% compared to same period in 2012. The retailer's strategy is to offer exclusive packs, containing an item with the solar factor most sought with other free. The stakes in January are kits with products of the brands Nivea, Banana Boat, Sundown and carrot & Bronze. Some examples of promotions are Nivea products of 200 ml sold with prices of 125 ml and the Sundown line (120 ml) with 30% discount.
EmbaNews - 08/01/2014
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