quarta-feira, 03 de julho, 2013

Josapar extends the line My Biju

Josapar extends the line My Biju. For class C, the new products have signed by the Agency Unusual packaging. Hits the market my Biju 8 whole grains, in two versions: oats and Quinoa. 500 gram packs associate the name to the image of cereals, so attractive and adheres to comprehensive product concept, by the colors and forms adopted. The inscription "health every day!" reinforces the central idea of the content, supplemented by other attributes that, also, add value, such as "do not need to wash, or choose".
"We use the image of a portion of My rice Biju, with all its ingredients, so that consumers, on a quick pass, can understand the quality and size of the high-value product that you can take home," said Gisele Treptow, Director of creation of unusual.
My family also has a focus on Biju children, with three choices of prepared cereal porridge for My Bijuzinho: rice, maize and rice and Oats. For the children, Melanie, mascot was created in partnership with the Fescher Neoilustração. 200 grams packing brings information on vitamins and nutrition.
All new products My Biju contain the reference to the parent brand, Josapar, with 90 years of tradition on the market.
Embalagem Marca - 02/07/2013
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