quinta-feira, 06 de junho, 2013


Quemnão know the doughnuts of Mabel? The cookie tradicionalmarca, acquired by PepsiCo in 2011, if repositions grow in some regions of the country in which it is not yet so well known.The first steps are creating an identity visualnas packaging, diversification of portfolio-currently with 55-products, and a new communication campaign that features the company's signature anova: "cadamordida umsorriso" and temohumorista Fabio Porchat comoprotagonista.
To guide this process, the company did a survey with more than 1.9 million consumers of the Southeast, Northeast and Midwest of the country. "Our intention was to commit some hypotheses, as, for example, that there was no knowledge of all our products by the majority of our consumers. Most of those interviewed associated the mark just a product, such as doughnuts, "explains Daniel Assef, demarketing Director of PepsiCo.
In response to this question, the Mabel opted to change their packaging to facilitate identification by damarca. "We have had features like the color damarca, but we emphasize the attribute of each product. Our ' evolution ' sought to keep consumers that we already had, but today the brand positioning hopes to meet the whole family. The growth of the Brazilian middle class is also an opportunity, "adds Assef. For Flávio Urdan, professordoutor FEA/USP, the standardization of éumbomcaminho packaging, because it promotes brand recognition and its products. "They (the packaging) sãoumponto of contact with the consumer. Apadronização European identity and, therefore, tends to make the marcamais known, "he says.
Another bet is the regionalization of the products. Well known in the Midwest, but nemtanto in other regions, the Mabel will launch a cracker especially to the northeast of the country. "In the search arose opportunities and tips. Consumers in the Northeast, for example, more buttery preferemumbiscoito, and we will have a product created especially for them.Emalgumas regions, we have room to grow.Apesquisa will be used for our regionalization strategy, "says Assef.
"The regionalization can be a path, because it identifies the consumer actions and approaches the marking", argues Marcelo Boschi, strategic coordenadordoMBAdemarketing of ESPM-RJ.
Toddy and Quaker also diversify their portfolios
Toddy and Quaker, other traditional brands of PepsiCo, also diversify your portfolio to reach new audiences. There are 80 years in Brazil, the Toddy, known for her chocolate empó, bet recently in biscuits, with a cookie with drops and chocolate flavor. "We saw in the potential to enter into another category," explains Daniel Assef, chief marketing officer of PepsiCo. According to him, the new product is with sales accelerated. "We are public-facing Toddy: consumers", he adds.
In the same vein of Toddy, the Quaker brand also migrated to another thread comseus Oatmeal Cookies healthier.
Already, Costco-geared towards women, as it brings in its portfolio with less fat and baked crackers-will soon launch its new toast, which will be available in two different flavors: original and bread on the plate. The aim is to expand the range of healthy products.
According to data of the national biscuit Industries (Anib), Brazil is the second largest producer of biscuits. Last year, the market moved 1.3 million tons, reaching r $ 7 billion revenue, high of 8% and 2%, respectively compared to 2011. Domestic market sales, value-added commaior and diversification of products offered contributed to the growth.
For this year, the entity expects increases of more than 8% in sales and 5% in volume. One main stimulators is the expansion of the range of functional products.
Valor Econômico - 03/06/2013
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