sexta-feira, 01 de fevereiro, 2013

Lenovo has record quarterly result

The Chinese Lenovo, which is moving to become the largest manufacturer of personal computers in the world, reported record quarterly earnings yesterday, driven by gains in PC market share and entry in the smartphone segment.
The company, which in Brazil controls the CCE, had net profits between October and December of $ 204,9 million, one third above the result achieved a year earlier. Analysts polled by Thomson Reuters were expecting $ 178,4 million gain for the period.Lenovo has gained market share in PCs amid acquisitions made in recent years. The company is behind the American Hewlett-Packard by a small margin, according to the research group IDC.
In the quarter, revenues increased 12% compared with a year earlier, to $ 9.4 billion, with most of the revenue coming from the PC segment. about a tenth of the revenue came from business with mobile Internet and digital home (MIDH), which are mainly sales of smart phones in China, which jumped 77% to $ 998 million.
Brasil Econômico
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