sexta-feira, 11 de outubro, 2013

ARTICLE – the handle of Vodka Martini

The 9 mm, vodka in a glass bottle wrapped with submachine gun format, seeking support. She is one of the ideas displayed in, a crowdfunding site-platform through which to seek donations for the implementation of concepts, causes or products. Although the drink in question is not yet commercialized, criticize it beforehand doesn't seem hasty. After all, offer an alcoholic beverage in packaging that is characterized as firearm raises a lot of controversy.
If the product can be financed and released, a firing squad will be waiting for you, condemning him for promoting an association between alcohol and Ammo at a time when gun violence is a serious problem in several countries. But isn't this argument, which may sound alarmist, what worries me most. Television, films, video games and rap lyrics are often cited as cultural manifestations that glorify the firearms. The package, however, has never been featured in this list. How is razoabilíssimo assume that an uprising against the nine Vodka don't defend the return to prohibition, the conclusion is the following: it is not the content per se, the reason of objection; is the packaging.
This reflection should worry everyone whose careers are related to packaging, even tangentially. What defines a socially responsible packaging? Sustainability has been associated with it. However, there are components more subjective and open to discussion. One of them is the size of the containers. The so-called "jumbo bottles of whiskey are criticized for allegedly encouraging exaggeration. But someone determined to drink beyond count won't through several smaller packages?
Another example is the prohibition of the supply of sugary drinks in vending machines (vending machines) installed in schools. The goal is to protect children, blocking access to the products singled out as harmful to a proper diet. In this case, the packaging is guilty because of his key role in indirect marketing. Nevertheless are noble intentions of those behind the ban, children have other means of consumption, either at home or outside it. You can even take the product to the school in their lunchboxes.
By any measure, consumer packaged goods differ as to how they are socially redeeming. But when speaking of the sale of a product, is packing paper provide protection, communication and convenience, a combination that contributes to the strength of the brand and consumer loyalty. The organs of vigilance, guard dogs, patrol officers – call whatever they want – also have their roles. However, such functions are not met adequately when disproportionate fault is attributed to packaging, if the perceived problem lies more on content.
This is not to say that certain packagings are not questionable. An example here in the United States, is a wine related to a cartoon character popular enough among children (including among the very young). The character is not only highlighted in pink label of the product, but also appears in a pendant wrapped around the neck of the bottle. Was this a nod for consumption by underage girls?
Returning to 9 mm Vodka, its inventor, Jim Denoon, pays a tribute to the marketing strength of packaging. Indiegogo's website, he explains that his inspiration for the vodka in a bottle shaped like a weapon derived from its conclusion that the distillates market is characterized by "descriptive packaging". Your conclusion is interesting and at odds with the various market studies who proclaim that the vodka segment has excelled in the alcoholic beverages industry thanks to innovative design packages (including award-winning). Different opinions aside, Denoon probably agrees with reports that, in General, vodka drinkers blindfolded could hardly distinguish products, basing their purchases on the mark and on the packaging. In fact, in the ranking of the importance of the beverage components, Denoon describes the packaging as "the star of the show".
Using the phrase "ready, aim, fire!" to represent research, segmentation and release, respectively, demonstrate that ineffectiveness Denoon maybe very important first step. Although the creator assert 9 have developed "one of the most radical packaging ever seen in the category of vodka", there are already distillates sold in bottles shaped like a gun. There is a shot of tequila offered in a bottle with shape of pistol. And there's still the AK 47 Vodka, so named because its bottle mimics that assault rifle model. Maybe Denoon learn about other distillates in bottles shaped like a gun and is betting more on variants than in strict singularity. If the inventor plans to commercialize the product online as a collector's item (it's like AK 47 Vodka is sold), your thoughts might be that there are those who collect a variety of weapons; Why discard the possibility of those who collect a variety of weapons shaped bottles?
It's not just the bottle that makes up 9 mm packing Vodka. The bottle is accompanied by four cups for "shots" (term used by Denoon in a game of words) in the form of clips of ammunition. Bottle and glasses are accommodated separately in niche a polyurethane lining, inside a bag of aluminum. The bottle contains only 500 milliliters. It is unlikely that Denoon wait gain some sustainability award. By the way, the 9 mm is not the only Vodka in their excesses. The AK 47 Vodka comes in a wooden box with a glass shot and military dog tags (dog tags).
Flavoured vodkas are a trend within the industry, with manufacturers using exotic flavors to differentiate their products. And, as in other cases of line extension, the packaging has the role of "tie" varieties, while the distinguished. It is quite likely that the category, as a whole, witness a parade of projects of variations on the same themes.
Therefore, ergo my Cup in salute to Denoon by assigning to packing a central role in your enterprise. I doubt, however, that your initiative is successful, primarily because of the clock. At the time of this writing, the Indigegogo informs the project raised $ 5824 (see here:, compared with the target of $ 45000 (Denoon says this is the minimum amount you need to market the product), with just sixteen days remaining of figuration in the site. I may be wrong, of course. If soon finds out that the 9 mm Vodka is available for purchase, I will be forced to exclaim: "target hit!"
Embalagem Marca - 10/10/2013
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