quarta-feira, 30 de janeiro, 2013

Handmade shoe seduces international partner

Advertising University, the sisters Juliana and Camila Z decided to bet on the shoe is handcrafted to gain financial independence. Passionate about shoes, Juliana was inspired by the entrepreneurial vein of family and called her sister to open your own business.
With no experience as designers, the young segment stores visited for information on best selling models and interesting fabrics. With timeless products, the big secret of the duo's business is that the shoes are all made by hand.
The initial investment of r $ 4 billion, coming from a loan offered by her father, was intended for the purchase of the materials needed for the production. With the limited budget, the production site was a small kiosk in the family home. "With the $ 4000, we started doing the Visual Autosculpt and we opted for the private label, since we had no point of sale and the capital was insufficient," says Juliana.
With the higher working capital and the lack of space for production, the entrepreneurs rented a House, where they were surplus stock tips. With few parts available, the collection of clients for a private label was crucial so that they decide to open a store.
"When I opened the store in May 2008, I left the private label. The artisanal product causes production is lower. In addition, the price passed on by brands was no longer compensating, "explains says, who argues that the process was important to consolidate the image of Who's Shoes.
One of the strengths of the brand, according to entrepreneur, is the constant reinvestment. Conscious of the vulnerability of the global economy, every three months the entrepreneurs separate a portion of the gains for expressive a emergency reserve.
Learn to sustain a close relationship with the client is also another commendable feature indicated by the enterprising. On the other hand, the need for skilled labor makes difficult the ability to meet rapidly growing demand. "Our response, in terms of production, it is slower than the brands working with industrial products. We opted for slower growth and consistent with exclusive, high-quality products and affordable prices.With a limited offer was more difficult to consolidate the brand ", points out.
Among the items in the shop, the shoe size goes for R $ 830,00, while shoes in store has average value of R $ 600.00, even average ticket value. The average monthly sale of custom shoes is 120 pairs.
In 2013, the brand will have new challenges. The first of them will be partnering with a London shop, located in the traditional Maddox Street. In the long term, the intention is to get to New York showcases. "I believe that the product will be well received abroad. When you are recognized abroad, you tap the top of the top in Brazil. This is the strategy for now ".
Besides Sao Paulo, the brand is found in shops in Rio de Janeiro, Juiz de Fora (MG), Foz do Iguaçu (PR), Goiânia, Vitória, Belo Horizonte, Brasília and Curitiba.
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