terça-feira, 04 de abril, 2017

Nestlé reaffirms proposal for a healthier future

Celebrating the national day of health and nutrition, last Friday (31/03), Nestlé released some results achieved over the last year within the public commitments made by the company in relation to the reformulation of products, reinforcing positive attributes and reducing levels of fats, sodium and sugar.

Just to give you an idea of the actions of the company, of the 2014 2016, Nestlé Brazil developed nutritional improvements in more than 200 items of your portfolio, in different food categories, including the addition of whole grains, increase in protein and other nutrients, in addition to the reduction in ingredients like salt and sugar. One of the highlights was the launch of chocolate milk 3.0, which won new formula after two years of research, with 33% less sugar and more fiber, keeping the same taste as always. Within the journey of nutritional developments, biscuit stuffed Hobby also underwent several improvements, and currently comprises 15% 24% less sugar and less fat, in addition to being a source of calcium.

During the same period, Nestlé was responsible for contributing with 24.8 billion servings of products fortified with vitamins and minerals disabled in brazilian population (calcium, iron, zinc, vitamin A and Vitamin D). In addition, held the packages of your main categories, implementing recommendations of appropriate portions to an even more conscious consumption.

Overall, Nestle gave 207 billion servings of food and beverages fortified with vitamins and minerals until 2016. Also reduced the added sugar in their products in 8%, which corresponds to a volume of 39000 tonnes. The sodium reduction in portfolio was 10.5%. In saturated fat, the reduction was 6.5%.
Food Service News - 03/04/2017
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