sexta-feira, 10 de junho, 2016

Rain and cold affect production of roses and raise price in cities in the region

The excess rain and cold weather affect the production of roses in cities such as San Carlos and Macaws (SP) and cause the price of stay more expensive. At the flower shop of the merchant Flávio Nóbrega, which last week was sold for $ 3 now costs $ 4. The arrangements also had an increase of 20% compared to last year.
"The rose is the most endorsed product right now because it is attached to the side of love, however there are customers who will have other options of flowers to offset this increase," said the dealer.
Cold impairs production
The explanation for the high price starts on the plantation. This type of flower needs heat to develop and, with cold weather and rainy, the production plummets.
On the site of the producer Benedito de Oliveira, in Araras, production fell more than half, to 6 1000 2 1000 buttons per day.
"The cold ends up stopping her growth. In the heat, with 30 days we''ve been gathering, but in the cold takes 45 to 50 days, "he said.
The cold Chamber used to stock the Roses is empty and the producer says that if weather continues, goes missing product on the market.
Not escape greenhouses
Who produces flowers in greenhouses can not escape the effects of the weather. The cold also hinders the growth of the Roses within the structures.
In San Carlos, Fernando Almeida Barbosa producer greenhouse is full of buttons, but with the cloudy weather they don''t bloom. According to him, most will open just after Valentine''s day.
"Usually in hot season a button takes about 8 days to harvest. When it''s cold, at least 12, "he said.
Even with the missing product on the market, some people want to keep the tradition in most romantic date of the year.
The Nona merchant is 36 years married Paganelli and is already eyeing the arrangement of roses that want to win.
"Pink is always a special flower, I think we all like to win. I don''t know if it''s more expensive or not, but I think you have to take care to buy a rose, "he said.
The student William Vontobel agrees. "It''s pretty hard to find, the price has increased, but it has to be to be romantic with roses and there''s no way not to give to your beloved this flower so beautiful," he said.
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