terça-feira, 02 de junho, 2015

Liquor brand Liv with new packaging

The brand new packaging with Liv's to its line of healthy and refreshing drinks. The iced teas, juices and coconut water detox are in packs of 330 ml Tetra Pak, with lid. The design of the Agency's Fifty Fifty Design.
The tastes of drinks are detox: Mint and Ginger (Apple mixed drink with lemon, kale, spinach and cucumber), coconut water, green tea flavor berries, green tea peach flavor, green tea lemon and mint flavor.
Present for three years in the Brazilian market, Liv is recognized for its products differentiated proposal: healthy drinks transiting between the day and night life, for consumption during the day, post-workout and also in night clubs, concerts and festivals, in mixologistas recipes or as non-alcoholic options at night.
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